The Children’s Progress Academic Assessment (CPAA) consists of a child friendly adaptive assessment in early literacy and mathematics, instant web based reports and tailored instructional recommendations for students and groups. Teachers and administrators use it to identify student needs, differentiate instruction and help each child succeed.

Using the CPAA is a simple 3 step process:

1.Assess: Students complete the short diagnostic assessment independently on the computer, 3-6 times a year.
2.Report: Teachers and administrators receive instant web based reports.
3.Teach: Teachers use reports to group students, drive instruction and collaborate with colleagues and parents. Coaches use the data to plan pull out sessions and provide additional resources.

This adaptive assessment allows teachers, coaches and administrators to understand what each student knows, what he or she is ready to learn next and how that learning can be supported, focused and tracked throughout the year in the early elementary grades (Pre K – 3rd grade).
This tool has helped reduce special education referrals by more than 50% in the first year of use. It has also helped educators ensure that students are meeting benchmarks and that everyone is on track well before the 3rd grade high stakes tests.